Welcome to a new month! I hope we can embrace this new chapter of 2019 with an open heart and open mind. Let’s make March the month of chasing dreams, attacking goals, and following our passions and our guiding light.
And to my grandma… my dearest Abuelita, you are, and always will be, my guiding light.
You were a ray of sunshine with your comforting smile.
You were a beacon of strength even in times of hardship.
You spread light and love whenever you blessed us and you shone with your compassionate love for family.
You were the light in all our lives – the luz – and now, when I look up into the sky, you’re there, emblazoned in a golden hue; a bright star illuminating the sky with your undying light.
You shone light into our lives with your gracious heart.
You never showed fear or pain.
Your words spoke of courage and your love flowed endlessly from a brimming fountain in your heart.
You were always willing to give us your blessings, no matter the circumstances, the distance, or the hour.
You taught me that you must always be strong because even if you can’t physically, you can always carry strength in your heart and soul.
Abuelita, thank you for the strength you instilled in us every day. No matter where life takes us from this point on, your light will help us endure anything, just as you endured through anything without ever wavering in your love. As long as we keep spreading your love in this world, your legacy will always live on… and your light will always burn bright. Te quiero mucho, mi Abuelita.
Enjoy this week’s quotes from the 365 Quotes Jar…
Feb 25
“Before you do something, make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons.” – Young and Unheroic
Feb 26
“A setback is a setup for a comeback!” – Eric Thomas (TGIM)
Feb 27
View the world from someone else’s perspective.
Feb 28
“Sometimes the window of opportunity closes so quickly. So get busy livin’!” – Eric Thomas (TGIM)
Mar 01
“All that time wasted could have been spent doing something that would take you one step closer to your goals!” – Young and Unheroic
Mar 02
“Blow them away” – Young and Unheroic
Mar 03
There is something to be learned from everyone.
Find more great quotes here…
Have a beautiful week, and don't forget to be strong in heart and soul.
Have a beautiful week, and don't forget to be strong in heart and soul.
Love, Young and Unheroic
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