Sunday, March 24, 2019

Quotes: Week 12


Well done for surviving another week!

Second-year vet school is well underway and we are on the cusp of our 5th week into the semester. Earlier today, I handed in an assignment that I had been grappling with for a while, so that’s a huge relief. Now onto the next one I guess haha!

This week, we had our first anatomy practical which was incredibly informative. The laboratory was filled with interesting anatomical specimens such as entire skeletons, individual bones, chicken wings for dissection, and even the cadaver of a dog. It is in circumstances like these that we must remember to treat all specimens respectfully because they were once living, breathing beings! I learnt a lot!

We also dissected a snail and a squid in our zoology practical as part of our studies into the anatomy of creatures from the phylum, Mollusca! Our gloves definitely got covered in black ink from the squid’s ink sac!

You can tell my lab coat got quite smelly this week hehe!

Oh, and last week, my friend and I started watching The Umbrella Academy on Netflix! We haven’t finished but so far, the series is super gripping! Have you seen it?

Here are this week’s quotes from the 365 Quotes Jar… Enjoy!

QUOTES: 2019 WEEK 12

Mar 18

Give it 120%!

Mar 19

“It is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love.”

– Gandalf, ‘The Hobbit’

Mar 20

We don’t sweat, we glow.

Mar 21

Time management is key!

Mar 22

Show people that you genuinely care.

Mar 23

Don’t be afraid to be a beginner! Every champion was once a beginner. Be a fearless beginner!

Mar 24

“Push yourself in ways you never thought you could push yourself!”

– Eric Thomas (TGIM video)

You can find Eric Thomas’ motivational videos here!

Find more motivation in the ‘Quotes’ or ‘Motivation Monday’ sections on the blog!

Have a fantastic week!

Love, Young and Unheroic


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