Sunday, January 20, 2019

Quotes: Week 3

Happy Sunday!

It’s that time of week again to round-up the seven quotes from the 365 quotes jar!
Here is each Quote-Of-The-Day for week 3, 2019. Hope you find them as empowering as I did!


Jan 14

Great things start from humble beginnings.
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Lao Tzu

I first heard of the quote from Lao Tzu when our teacher was reading us ‘Dragonkeeper’ by Carole Wilkinson in seventh grade. I remember these words havinsuch a profound effect on me. It felt like for a millisecond, every particle in my body froze as I stared in stunned silence at the words which had just shaken me to the core.

But what do they mean?

To me, the quote is saying that you don’t have to be great to start off. But if you want to get to greatness, you have to take that first step. All successful people achieved greatness not by being born the champion, but by starting off as a novice and then taking one painstaking step after step.

What is that first step you’ll take today?

Jan 15

Put others before yourself.

Generosity, thoughtfulness, selflessness; they’re all virtues we ought to live by each day. Not everything is about you, and the more you give to others, the more you give back to yourself.

It’s those pure, unselfish acts of kindness when you see someone in trouble or in need and you go out of your way to help them.

When you swallow your pride and do something for someone else in sacrifice of your own pleasures, then you will be openly rewarded later on!

The world doesn't revolve around you.
The world doesn't spin all because of you.
You are a single small tooth on a gear,
a spoke on a wheel,
a cog on a cogwheel,
amongst billions and trillions, all helping each other to keep turning, to keep rolling.
‘The Mechanics of Life’, Young and Unheroic

Jan 16

“This is the legacy you’re leaving behind: That you haven’t got what it takes. You can do better than that!” – Young and Unheroic

I remember writing these words one year after being so disgusted in myself for just letting myself get so easily outworked, and allowing myself to lose motivation. And if that day was the last day of my lifeI’d leave this Earth with everyone thinking "oh, she never had what it took. She said she could but she didn’t.”

I know it’s a harsh thought to harbour on your mind, but remember this: Don’t give up until the fight is over! Keep battling till the end, even if you know you won’t win. At least you knew that you tried.

Don’t let people or negative thoughts pull you down. You are stronger than that!

What is the legacy you want to leave behind?

Jan 17

Think of the opportunity, not the obligation!

I heard this in a video from Eric Thomas, my favourite motivational speaker. 

It’s amazing how your perspective on some task can change drastically, and for the better, if you think of the opportunity, not the obligation! Trust me, I’ve tried it before.

Instead of thinking of school as an obligation, think of all the opportunities it could open for you.

Instead of thinking of exercise as an obligation, think of the gains down the track in terms of health, self-esteem, and wellbeing!

Instead of thinking of practicing your instrument or going to training as some sort of chore, imagine the opportunities it could land you in the future. Think of all the great things you are getting out of it right now!

Jan 18

Learn to humble yourself, get advice from others, and make time for your supporters.

I think this string of words pieced itself together from the various life lessons that Eric Thomas was preaching about in one of his videos.

We mustn’t underestimate the importance of seeking advice from others. Collaboration is when the magic happens.

I understand it may be hard to ask for help. I know exactly how it feels because I personally find it hard to raise my hand for help or ask for assistance. I’ve always considered myself independent but sometimes, two heads are better than one!

We must learn to swallow our pride, let go of our ego, and humble ourselves. That’s the only way we’ll be able to network with others and form friendly relationships.

Don’t forget to make time for your supporters too!
Without them, you’re nothing! If we keep running on the fuel of our pompous egos, we’ll get overtaken soon enough. Instead, gain momentum by never losing faith in yourself and always being a cheerleader for your cheerleaders!

Jan 19

What’s stopping you?

What excuse are you making now? Are you still trapped in the mindset of “Oh, I’ll just do it later”?  Stop making lousy excuses that are sabotaging yourself from reaching your goals!

Next time you catch yourself inventing yet another excuse,
Next time you find yourself backing out of something,
Next time you try to trick your mind into thinking ‘you can’t’ or ‘you’re not worth it’,

The only thing that’s really stopping you is yourself!

Jan 20

All the people who say “you can’t” and “you won’t” are probably the ones scared that you will.

So go show ‘em what you’re made of!
Show them what you’re capable of!
Show them you CAN and you WILL!

Prove them all wrong, or as I like to say… BLOW THEM AWAY!

This week, believe in yourself! Even if you feel like no-one understands the dreams you're envisaging, remember that you can be your own source of empowerment!

Everything you need for success is already inside of you! Did you ever think of that?

And don’t forget, I’m here to support you too!

Love, Young and Unheroic

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